Easy Digital Downloads Plugin Integration Guide

Instructions for setting up Dagpay for your Easy Digital Downloads-based e-Commerce Store.

Installing the Plugin

Search for the Dagpay for Easy Digital Downloads plugin under the Plugins section in WordPress Admin Panel or download the latest version of the Dagpay for Easy Digital Downloads Plugin .zip file from the WordPress directory and install it in your WordPress Admin Panel:

  • Navigate to your WordPress Admin Panel;
  • Select Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin;
  • Select the downloaded plugin and click Install Now.

Activate the plugin right after installation or in your WordPress Admin Panel > Plugins, find the installed plugin, and select Activate to complete installation.

Creating your Dagpay Integration Environment

  1. Log in to your Dagpay account and head over to Merchant Tools from the side menu, select Integrations, and click Add Integration.
  2. Select Easy Digital Downloads as integration type and add your environment details: Name, Description and select your Wallet for Receiving Payments.
  3. Add your site domain address in the status URL field for server-to-server communication and redirect URLs.
    • The status URL for Easy Digital Downloads is https://store_base_path?edd-listener=dagpay
    • Change store_base_path with your store domain address.
      For example, https://myeasydigitaldownloadsstore.com?edd-listener=dagpay
    • Redirect URLs to redirect back to your store from the payment view depending on the final outcome of the transaction (can be set the same for all states).
      For example, https://myeasydigitaldownloadsstore.com/success/
  4. Click on Create Environment after filling out all the required fields and you will be displayed your integration environment details and generated the Environment ID, User ID, and Secret Credentials.

Setup & Configuration

  1. After successfully installing the plugin and creating the integration environment in your Dagpay account, head over to your Easy Digital Downloads Admin Panel, locate the Dagpay for Easy Digital Downloads Plugin, and click on Settings.
  2. Enter the Environment ID, User ID, and Secret Credentials from your newly created Dagpay integration environment to the corresponding fields.
    • If you wish to use the Dagpay test environment, which enables you to test Dagpay payments using Testnet Dags, enable Test Mode. Please note that for Test Mode, you must create a separate account on test.dagpay.io, create a separate integration environment and generate environment credentials there. Environment credentials generated on dagpay.io are 'Live' credentials and will not work for Test Mode.
  3. Save changes and you are good to go. Dagpay should now be working in your Easy Digital Downloads Store.